Airport Records

by Dr. Günther Eichhorn

Important: None of the data can be used for flight, they are for non-critical personal information only. The actual data may not be accurate, not be up-to-date, or they may be faulty to begin with. Do not rely on these data in any way. The FAA is the primary authority as to the "real" information for all information regarding USA airports.

To print airport information, check the checkbox for each airport to be printed and click on "Retrieve Selected Airports" at the bottom of the list.

KLU(ICAO: LOWK)Flughafen Klagenfurt-Wörthersee
Klagenfurt, KärntenÖsterreich (Austria)

Latitude: 46° 38' 33.10" NorthLongitude: 14° 20' 15.90" East

Elevation: 1483' (452m)Max. Runway Length: 8880' (2707m)

Runway info: Runway info: Runway 10/28 (8880' x 144'), Surface: CONCRETE

Runway 10R/28L (2320' x 82'), Surface: GRASS

Navaid info: ILS info: ILS Runway 28, Freq: 110.1 MHz, Bearing: 285.0

Airport frequencies: Approach 126.825 MHz, ATIS 124.075 MHz, Tower 118.1 MHz

Fuel: Jet A1 without icing inhibitor, Avgas 100LL

joint public/military

Todays Sunrise: 03:38 UTC (05:38 CEST)Todays Sunset: 18:20 UTC (20:20 CEST)

Todays Morning Twilight Start: 03:04 UTC (05:04 CEST)Todays Evening Twilight End: 18:55 UTC (20:55 CEST)

Weather Information

TAF Weather Forecast / Decoded TAF for LOWK. METAR Weather Report / Decoded METAR for LOWK.


None of the information above can be considered complete for flight purposes. You need to check with official sources prior to flight.

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access provided by Guenther Eichhorn at